Hot linking
In order to ensure the integrity of our service, we have banned hot linking from our website. If you have been directed to this page automatically it is because our software has detected that you were accessing hot-linked content.
Why am I seeing this page?
If you have been directed here by a third-party website we strongly encourage you to contact us and report any infringement of our copyright.
What is hot linking?
Hot linking, also known as inline linking or remote linking, is the practice of linking to an image, video, or other content hosted on our website directly from a third-party website. While this may seem harmless, it can have negative consequences for both our website and the website doing the hotlinking.
Why have you banned hot linking?
We have banned hot linking on our website because this practice steals bandwidth from our website. Each time hot linked content is view on a third-party website, it is actually being downloaded from ours. This puts additional demands on our servers, slows our delivery of content, and leads to us incurring additional costs. It is also banned because it is a form of intellectual property theft. By using our content without permission or attribution you are infringing our copyright.
Where can I get more information?
You can find more information on our copyright in our Copyright Notice. By accessing hot linked content from our website you are bound by our Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.
Confidential Reporting
If you would like to report theft of our intellectual property you can contact Action Fraud confidentially and anonoymously.