Modern Slavery

This voluntary statement has been published to set out our commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken we will take to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

We have published this voluntary statement to express our commitment to the principles outlined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and our transparency in operating our supply chain.


Our Values

Our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking is central to our values. We expect all suppliers to implement strong anti-slavery measures. If any supplier engages in slavery, we will terminate our contract and report to the authorities.

Our Supply Chain

Our vigilance in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking extends to all aspects of our business, including our supply chain. We require our suppliers to have strong anti-slavery policies in place to prevent these practices. Our unwavering commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking guides our actions and ensures that we conduct business in a socially responsible manner. The risk of modern slavery is low in our directly managed business activities and the first line of our supply chain, but we remain proactive in our efforts to prevent it.

Our Actions

In the last year, no reports of modern slavery practices were received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies. We raised staff awareness of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and provided guidelines for appropriate action in case of suspected slavery or human trafficking.

Next Steps

We will continue to raise awareness of modern slavery policies with suppliers and contractors. Our staff and contractors will undergo e-learning programs to recognise signs of modern slavery. We will also work with the Living Wage Foundation for accreditation to promote ethical and responsible business practices.