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Patient Group Directions

Enabling your staff to provide outstanding care.


Complete Solutions for Private Providers

We have a wide selection of pre-written Patient Group Directions (PGD’s) that cover common applications within the private ambulance and healthcare sectors.  


Our PGD’s are prepared by registered doctors and pharmacists inline with current NICE guidelines and guidance from the CQC.  They are fully complaint with the Human Medicines Regulations 2012.


Our PGD’s cover a range of medications commonly used by private healthcare providers.

They are written in clear and simple language ensuring complaince by your nurses and paramedics.

Digital Delivery

Our unique service incoporates the Adobe e-signature service, allowing you to send PGD’s to your staff electronically.

We audit the completion of documents by each nurse and paramedic, saving you time and money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a CQC registration?

In order to use our PGD service you must be a CQC-registered ambulance service, or private provider. Your registration must also include the 'treatment of injury disease or disorder'.

Can First Aiders give medication under a PGD?

No.  Only certain categories of registered healthcare professionals (including paramedics and nurses) can supply or administer drugs under a PGD.

What drugs should a private ambulance service use?

We offer standardised PGD's for private ambulance services, which include the following drugs:

Salbutamol | Ipratropium Bromide | Tranexamic Acid | Penthrox

We also offer our PGD's as a pre-bundled collection for private ambulance services.

Can we use our company logo?

All our PGD's are in a standard format and colour scheme which includes our logo and branding.  We can add your logo to the top-left margin at no extra charge.

If you would like a customised PGD with your branding and logos instead of ours, please contact us for a quote.

Where can I get more information?

If your not sure whether our PGD service would suit your needs, then please contact us.